Facebook & Google Ads Performance & Management Service

Using UpHex to run ads? (What’s UpHex?) Here’s a service that helps you retain customers longer by ensuring ad performance and optimization of your top producing ad templates.

Facebook & Google Ads Performance & Management Service

Using UpHex to run ads? (What’s UpHex?) Here’s a service that helps you retain customers longer by ensuring ad performance and optimization of your top producing ad templates.

What is GTM Spark?

Advertise, Analyze, and Optimize!

We do it all for you!

Optimize Facebook Templates

We monitor the data of your Facebook Ad templates carefully and use data to optimize them for better performance. We improve the ad copy, creatives, and lead forms, ensuring your clients get the best results.

Google Ads Campaign Management

Whenever you need a client to run Google Ads through UpHex we've got you covered. From ad copy to audience signals we accomplish the entire process and monitor the results for needed changes over time.

Facebook and Google Ads Support

Whether it's disabled ad accounts, disapproved ads, and other errors within the ad account, we are on it

Create New Templates

Whether you need one new template or several, our team is ready to assist you. We design the copy and creatives to fit your offer and present it effectively.

*New template creation not included in regular service

Landing Page or Funnel Design

Transforming your online presence starts with strategic landing page or funnel design. Whether you require a single page or a series, our team stands ready to tailor the copy and creatives precisely to your offer, ensuring maximum impact and engagement.

Google and Facebook Ads Tracking Services

Experience seamless management of your Google and Facebook ad campaigns with our comprehensive tracking services. From tackling disabled ad accounts to resolving disapproved ads and other account errors, count on us to keep your advertising efforts running smoothly.

Advertise, Analyze, and Optimize!

We do it all for you!

Optimize Facebook Templates

We monitor the data of your Facebook Ad templates carefully and use data to optimize them for better performance. We improve the ad copy, creatives, and lead forms, ensuring your clients get the best results.

Google Ads Campaign Management

Whenever you need a client to run Google Ads through UpHex we've got you covered. From ad copy to audience signals we accomplish the entire process and monitor the results for needed changes over time.

Facebook and Google Ads Support

Whether it's disabled ad accounts, disapproved ads, and other errors within the ad account, we are on it

Create New Templates

Whether you need one new template or several, our team is ready to assist you. We design the copy and creatives to fit your offer and present it effectively.

*New template creation not included in regular service

Landing Page or Funnel Design

Transforming your online presence starts with strategic landing page or funnel design. Whether you require a single page or a series, our team stands ready to tailor the copy and creatives precisely to your offer, ensuring maximum impact and engagement.

Google and Facebook Ads Tracking Services

Experience seamless management of your Google and Facebook ad campaigns with our comprehensive tracking services. From tackling disabled ad accounts to resolving disapproved ads and other account errors, count on us to keep your advertising efforts running smoothly.

Our Pricing

Premium Bundle


  • Up to 20 Sub-accounts

  • Dedicated UpHex Account Manager

    Responsible in Template monitoring, optimization, creations that includes:

    • Ad copy

    • Designing the ad creative

    • Building on-Facebook lead forms

    • New Template creation

    • Audience targeting

    • Creation of Google Ad Campaigns via UpHex and ongoing optimizations

    • Google Ads Tracking Setup

  • Email Communication

    • Weekly email updates on optimizations made throughout the week.

  • No limit on niches for templates

    • If your clients are in different industries, that’s not a problem

  • Dedicated Support

    • Meta support for problems with rejected ads and ad errors.

    • 3 Support cases for disabled ad accounts and pages per month

*Have more than 20 sub-accounts? Simply select your agency size at checkout.

Enabling Your Agency

To Retain Your Clients

No matter how well you treat your clients, how long them work with you comes down to the results you are getting them. With our UpHex optimization services, you won't have to worry about constant client churn.

  • Your agency will work with a dedicated rep to ensure you get the best support

  • Constant monitoring and optimizing at the right times to avoid wasted spend and ongoing improvement

  • Regular email communication to you regarding the changes made

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Good Results = More $ For Your Agency

This is why UpHex Agencies LOVE GTM Spark

Enabling Your Agency

To Retain Your Clients

No matter how well you treat your clients, how long them work with you comes down to the results you are getting them. With our UpHex optimization services, you won't have to worry about constant client churn.

  • Your agency will work with a dedicated rep to ensure you get the best support

  • Constant monitoring and optimizing at the right times to avoid wasted spend and ongoing improvement

  • Regular email communication to you regarding the changes made


Good Results = More $ For Your Agency

This is why UpHex Agencies LOVE GTM Spark

Managing your agency's Facebook Ads so you can scale faster.

Officially powered by UpHex & Extendly

Managing your agency's Facebook Ads

so you can scale faster.

Officially powered by UpHex & Extendly